

for some, a handbag is a sack made of faux leather or nylon or canvas with fake plastic metal fixtures and zippers and occasionally is an obvious-to-spot imitation of the handbags that others (like us) collect and view in the highest regard to fine design and fashion. if it hasn't been stated yet, our family is a family of purse gatherers. leather, croc, ostrich, patent, name it - we love it.

one of the reasons i love the changing of the seasons (or better yet, a preview of the changing color palettes of the next season via fashion week) is to have an excuse to buy a new purse/clutch/wallet. and 0h the options. personally, i am a classic kinda girl. gimme a 2.55 or a city in any which colour and i'll be happy. it's no wonder our favorite designers stick to their signatures.

i say, if it ain't broke, just change the color swatches...

a model sneaking off with the latest chloe's right after the show..
lush & layered clutch. the texture gives some oomph to the muted,
understated brown
balenciaga arena giant envelope in bois de rose with the NEW rose gold hardware - $1025.
this one is definitely on my wish list.
the givenchy nightingale in fall's new navy - $1910.
always had a little crush on this baby...but it's a little on the larger side.

all handbags via

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