
Hand Crocheted Ties for Men and Boys - 1952

Hand Crocheted Ties for Men and Boys in Imported D-M-C Pearl, as shown in Vol. 404 from 1952. It's the "newest fashion for men".

"The hand crocheted tie is fashion's big new favorite for men and it's the big new favorite with men who want something really new, really different, really good-looking in ties.
Whether he prefers solid colors . . . smart neat patterns ... or bold exciting designs ... you'll find them all here to choose from and, each and every one is downright easy to crochet and, above all, downright economical too - most can be made for less than $1.00.
And what beauties these ties really are crocheted of luxurious silky D - M - C Pearl! They tie easily, and with that perfect knot that every man likes, because only D - M - C Pearl has the texture, the superb lustre, and the strength and suppleness so important in a good hand crocheted tie. In addition, like all D - M - C, the brilliant colors are fast to washing ... an advantage you'll appreciate as much as he will.
Crochet him one of these smart new ties and see how pleased he'll be to wear it."


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