

let me just say that today, friday the 6th of august, was a good day. i've been in a slump the past few months due to the lack of direction i had with my career. it became clear to me that in order for me to really get what i want need, i had to go get it myself. no, i'm not talking about the material thangs. i'm talking about a JOB. so with life's balls in hand, i went out there...and got exactly what i needed..and then some.

ladies and gents, you are now looking at the FASHION EDITOR @ LOCALE MAGAZINE. an orange county, ca lifestyle quarterly, i will have free reign to write about fashion, style editorials, and .. anything else! sorry E + S, looks like NYC will have to wait..

maybe life isn't just black or white. but i can't help but dress the part. you know how i like to keep things simple.

so what's black & white & read all over?
ME. :)



she's a dreamer
sitting on top of the world


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