
DECEMBER: an engagement, a birthday, a few parties, and lots o' LOVE

as decembers often go, the days are filled with shopping, nights are reserved for dinners and parties, and weekends are meant for spending time with loved ones. this december, though, was a little more eventful than ones in the past...

SOPHIA JUST GOT ENGAGED! people in the blogosphere will definitely have a soft spot for the way she was proposed to by her BF of four years, CHRIS NGO. knowing that SOPHIA is a major fan of blogs (obviously), Chris decided to pop the question via B L O G!

check out to see their story.

CONGRATULATIONS to the new soon-to-be-married couple! <3 we'll definitely be posting up photos from all the future wedding planning :) first up...DRESS SHOPPING!

on their first trip to paris in 2008 <3
she found her lobster!
the ring. 

 let the celebrations begin...

our little brother just turned 22! oh how time flies...
custom crafted double rings gifted from sophia to her friends. such an awesome present!
& i turned into an amateur jewelry maker! i made rings, ringlets (ring attached to a bracelet), and body armor & gifted them to my girlfriends for xmas. figured i could save $ and give them something unique & handmade w LOVE.
linh + kathy + anna = good times @ mesa


@ a little early xmas party
garlic, anyone? yum!
kathy + minh @ our gift exchange out on the street.

thank you tony for my amazing leopard maxi skirt! who knew a dude can shop for a good gift?

sophia's super delicious deviled eggs topped with a dot of sriracha. they went like hot cakes before everyone arrived @ the potluck!

Christmas day...

we didn't have a tree but that didn't mean we didn't have PRESENTS!
our dad with bubba
a traditional vietnamese meal for a not so traditional xmas dinner
to: chris <3: sophia
new grey suede shoes to me from kathy! loooove!!!
a. wang mini brenda camera bag to house my new canon s95 :)
i love assouline books!
& a hand-knitted scarf made esp. for me from my best guyfriend minh. .. what a way to top off a great christmas :)

hope everybody had a fabulous, love-filled holiday!
can't wait for NYE & 2011!!!
it's time for some change.


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