
Delineator Magazine - 1888 Hats! Toques, Bonnets, Turbans

"The beauty of the materials this season - the "piece stuffs" as the milliners call them - has given special prominence to hats and bonnets with soft, full crowns. They can be made demure in cloth or quite gorgeous in gold brocade, and the trimming may be provided by dainty wings in gold or silver, loops of ribbon, fancy aigrettes or clasps, ect.

Feathers are arranged in coronet bands to encircle turbans, and they make a very handsome trimming. The golden pheasant, the merle and the peacock are robbed of their finest plumes to crown the chapeaux of womankind. The large hats obtain, but on a windy day a small closely fitting chapeau is a desideratum.

The capote in every possible size and outline finds many admirers. Probably the newest is that which has a brim not unlike the Directoire and yet retains the close, compact shape of the capote at the sides. The very close capote, however, is still worn by those who like it."


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