
Your Wig Wardrobe

The Complete Book of Fashion Modeling (1969) also shows what wigs you'll need to have if you are going to be a successful model.
"Yes, you definitely must have hairpieces. You could possibly start out with one or two and eventually work up to a whole wardrobe of spare hair goods. It will be a worthwhile investment, and just wait until you see all wonderful things you can do with them!"
"This is mid-length and is made to look shorter by styling with a lift at the crown."
"A long fall, this one is styled with flipped-up ends that just skim the shoulders."
"Ears are bared for this style."
"If you're very good with your hair, you can use a long fall for this."
"...a light and airy little can be styled in dozens of delightful ways."
"You can get this effect by tucking styrofoam balls in graduated sizes at intervals in the ponytail and tying each one with ribbon."
"Strictly for gala evening costumes, this do features a hairpiece that's intricately styled in an arrangement of strategically placed loops and curls."


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